Adam’s Alts

Hi I am Adam, and I am an Altoholic.

If you use the drop down menus above you can browse through all the characters I have created and play in Lord of the Rings Online.

Thanks for Reading!

  1. I just have to say that Chumbo Bobbins is the best LOTRO name I have heard!

  2. Yep, also known as Chumbers or plain Lord Chumberseley. It’s an English thing ,and the Shire is England, once upon a time…

  3. Wow, thats a lot of alts! I agree, Chumbo Bobbins is the best name ever. Also, I worked out that if they all combined forces, then they’d have a total level of 531. Thats a lot of levelling up you’ve done there. /salute

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